Let Our Pro Team Serve You for Renovation Cleaning!
September is back again! Besides school opening, it is also the peak season for moving in as it is the time for renovation projects to wrap up. However, ‘handing over does not mean you can live in your new home immediately, as renovation contractors usually do not cover the aftermath, cleaning after renovation. They could agree to take care of them for a charge, however, they usually do not remove all the dust and allergens left behind.
Want to clean it yourself? Casual household usually lacks all the professional tools, making the process much more tedious. Your new wallpapers and tiles can be vulnerable to scratches too! So, it is not really that simple, boss! Instead, find Johnson Group’s Professional Renovation Cleaning Service. Let our professional team serve you. You deserve an effortless move-in!
Clients Recognition
Today, we are heading to The Regent in Tai Po. Let’s see why our client chose Johnson Group’s Professional Renovation Cleaning Service. Our professional cleaning ensures you to move in safely without worries.
Action Speaks Louder! Roll the Tape Now!
Bits of concrete, paint, cement plaster, solution, bits of wood, glue, tapes, water marks, rust etc. are some of the most common stains after a renovation project, and they are usually found in corners where you do not normally pay attention to. Clients always notice once they moved in and allergic reactions such as runny nose and headache occurred.
Let Johnson Group’s Renovation Cleaning Team help you with all these problems!
Service Features
- Use only all-natural and non-toxic cleaner
- Professional allergy vacuum cleaner to eliminate all tiny dust particles and allergens
- Experience and well-trained, detailed-minded specialists, take care of all the crevices that you missed
- Allergen-free and eco-friendly, so that you can move-in immediately, ensuring safety for children and pets
- Optional VOC removal package, natural cleaner to dissolve VOCs, ensuring safety
Removing All Stains from Paint and Water
It would be very noticeable if windows and glasses in your new home have some spots and flaws on it, which is irritating. Johnson Group’s specialist uses a series of specified tools to follow-up all glasses in your new home, removing the stains from paint, cement etc. and clean the window frames thoroughly, so that they will be spotless in and out.

Removing All The Dust on Your Drawers/Cabinets and Shelves
Drawers and shelves are amongst the most dusty place after a renovation besides the floor and skirtings. Our specialists will use 3M® Scotch-Brite™ High Performance Microfiber Cloth to clean them all, which ensure best cleaning effect and no scratching.

Miele Allergy Vaccuum Cleaner – Removing Particles, Dust mites and Allergens up to 0.3 Micron in Size
Dust is not only those dust you can see with your eyes. Most of them could be airborne and float around the air, with is tough to remove thoroughly, which could lead to pests such as dustmites and ‘silverfish’ and more allergic reactions. Johnson Group make use of specialized tool to remove particles up to 0.3 micron in size, elminating all the potential allergic triggers!

Thorough Cleaning of Shiny Surfaces Such As Stove, Lighting Board, Water Tap, Marbles
Every thing should be shiny at your new home! Therefore we will clean the shiny surfaces such as stainless steel and marbles with SmellGREEN® Natural Disinfectant, which is pH neutral, not staining any surface. It is very effective in removing stubborn stains, while disinfecting, so that you can be worry-free once you moved in.

Service Results – Before & After

Other Related Services and Items
Additional Package – VOC Removal
Measure Total VOC (TVOC) values of indoors and furnishings with RAE® VOC Monitor
- Measure formaldehyde (HCHO) values of indoors and furnishings with RAE® HCHO Monitor
- Air wash indoor air by axial fan ventilation kit
Vacuum wood furniture and fabric upholsteries with Miele Allergy Vacuum Cleaner - Space fogging with SafePRO® Formaldehyde (VOC) & Odour Remover, dissolve and bring the VOC away