Johnson Group – Government-Accredited Indoor Air Quality Consultant
Johnson Group’s Allergy & Allergen Testing Service has been recognized by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department Indoor Air Quality Information Centre and titled in its lists of “Indoor Air Quality Contractors“, “Indoor Air Quality Control Suppliers” and “Indoor Air Quality Consultants” across three categories.
Formaldehyde & VOC
World Health Organization defined volatile organic compound (VOC) as any organic compound whose boiling point is in the range from 50 °C to 250 °C. VOC can be found within nature environment, furnishings, building materials, glues and carpets. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzene are examples of VOC.
Where should I test?
Testing device(s)
Safety level
WHO (2000), Guidelines for Air Quality suggests that the level should below < 100 µg/m3 to avoid acute effects in such individuals.