Johnson Group Cockroaches Control Service
Benefits of Using Our Service
- Thorough Inspection and Evaluation During Control Service
- SafePRO® Cockroach Bait Gel and SafePRO® Insect Trap (Sticky Pads) to Replace Traditional Toxic Pesticides
- Professional Spot Pesticide Treatment If needed

Spot Treatment
Gel Bait can very effective for crack and crevice treatments, Apply gel using a bait gun or syringe in small dabs in cracks and crevices where cockroaches will find it. While they are fresh, bait gels are very effective when placed in locations where they will be found by cockroaches. To remain effective, however, the gels need to be reapplied frequently.
Baiting methods are slow acting. Consequently an effective bait program does not give immediate results, but may take 7-14 days or longer. Baits can be quite effective for long-term control of cockroaches unless the cockroaches have other food sources available to them.
Common types of cockroaches in Hong Kong include Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach), Periplaneta australiasiae (Australian Cockroach) and Blattella germanica (German Cockroach). Of these three species, the one that has the greatest potential for becoming persistent and troublesome is the German cockroach, which prefers indoor locations.
Cockroaches are medium-sized to large insects in the order Dictyoptera (formerly Orthoptera). They are broad, flattened insects with long antennae and a prominent, shield-shaped section behind the head called a pronotum. Adult cockroaches have membranous wings. Immature cockroaches (nymphs) look like adults, but are smaller and do not have wings.
Cockroach Control DIY Products
Please call 24813988 for more details or visit Cockroach Control Products Page.