Benefits of Using Our Service
- Service since 1947 – years of professional pest control experience
- Use Green Insecticides to Replace Traditional Toxic Chemicals – Natural Insect Repellent, Natural Bed Bug, Flea & Dust Mite Laundry & Spray, Green Pesticide (Borates)
- Combination of UV-C Bugs Killing Machine, Professional Steamer, Montiors and Sticky Traps as Non-chemical Options
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
Book Lice (louse)
Booklice (Psocoptera) are very small (less than 1.5mm in long) but not true lice. While they resemble lice in size and shape, booklice feed only on fungi. mold, together with dried or decaying plant and animal materials.
They become particularly abundant in dark, damp places such as basements, storerooms, homes closed for the summer, and closets during the warmer periods of the year. If you find them in grain or other stored food products, it is an indication of high humidity which encourages mold growth.
Booklice may be found under wallpaper, in furniture, along the sides of windows or on window sills around potted plants. Booklice do not bite, transmit disease, or damage food or fabric, but they can be very annoying when present in large numbers.
Treatment for book lice
Taking as many objects as possible outside and drying them in the sun on a bright day. Under no circumstances should toxic pesticides be used to treat your home as it will just give you a short term relief. Remember that, sanitation is the best approach to eliminate this pest without any harmful chemical.
Pubic lice (louse)
Pubic louse may occasionally be found on other coarse body hair, such as hair on the legs, armpits, beard, or eyelashes. Lice found on the head are generally head lice, not pubic lice. Signs and symptoms of pubic lice include itching in the genital area and visible of crawling lice.
Pubic lice usually spread through sexual contact and are most common in adults. They may be spread by contact with clothing, bed linens, or towels that have been used by an infected person.
Life cycle of a pubic lice: Egg (also called a nit), the nymph, and the adult. If the lice falls off a person, it dies within 1-2 days.
Treatment for pubic lice

Hygienitech® UV-C Lices Killing Machine
Designed specifcally to deal with bedbugs and lices. The Hygienitech UV-C Bedbug Killing Machine combines high frequency, pulsating waves, incredible suction and is able to kill and extract adult bed bugs, instar nymphs and eggs, as well as removing other harmful organisms that accumulates in your mattresses.

Karcher® Professional Steam Cleaner
Steam Cleaning is another alternative that can be employed effectively as a control option. Temperatures at tip can reach to 104 °C which is more than sufficient to kill bed bugs, instars and eggs upon contact (the thermal death point for bed bugs is about 40 °C). Besides, the use of steam unit is commonly adopted as Green Approach to remove breeding sources.

Karcher® Spray-extraction cleaner
Extraction steam cleaning of your carpet/rug ensures a more presentable appearance. The extraction mechanism ensures bugs and eggs within the carpet are being removed thoroughly.

SafePRO® Natural Bed Bug, Flea & Dust Mite Laundry & Spray
Benefits of using SafePRO®
- All-Natural Ingredients, Non-toxic
- Scent Free & Stain Free
- Kill Bed bugs, fleas, ticks & other pests in the Laundry
- Safe for users and the environment
- Active Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 3.0%, Citric Acid 0.20%, Sodium Chloride 1.0%
- Made in the USA