Bacteria Identification 

This test aims to identify the types of bacteria by taming samples on indoor surfaces where the growth of particular microorganism(s) is suspected. Proper cleaning and disinfection should be applied once harmful bacteria is located.

Benefits of Using Our Service

  • prevent germs from spreading
  • prevent the spread of infectious disease
  • protect your family from harmful bacteria

4 Types of Bacteria Commonly Found in Homes

Studies have shown that of the bacteria found in indoor air, the most common four are: Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas.

It is very common to be found on skin, in soil, water, and meat products. This organism can also cause human sweat to smell badly. For immunocompromised patients, it can be an opportunistic pathogen.

When the medical profession refers to MRSA, they mean a particularly drug-resistant strain of this bacterium. Staphylococcus is very common on skin, and can also be found in the nasal passages, throats, and hair of 50% of healthy individuals. It may cause diseases such as infection of skin, wound, urinary tract, lung, bloodstream and food poisoning.

Bacillus is a harmless saprophyte that can be found in soil, water, dust and sometimes within the human digestive system. Nevertheless, some species of Bacillus can cause abdominal problems including diarrhea.

Pseudomonas bacteria tend to live and breed in water, soil, and damp areas. People with weakened immune systems are prone to more severe Pseudomonas infections. Milder Pseudomonas infections can occur in otherwise healthy people, these include ear infections and skin rashes, especially after exposure to water.


Sample will be tamed from up to 3 items / surfaces for testing the 4 types of bacteria indicted above.

Some studies show that sponges and dish rags were the dirtiest household items, followed by kitchen sinks, toothbrush holders, pet bowls, coffee reservoirs, bathroom faucet handles, pet toys, countertops, stove knobs, and cutting boards. The reason is that, water that comes into contact with a hard surface can create what’s called a biofilm, a slimy film of microorganisms.


Areas where food is stored or prepared had more bacteria and fecal contamination than other places in the home.

Testing items may include: Cutting boards, coffee maker, refrigerator/microwave (handles & knobs), kitchen sink and countertops etc.


It’s no surprise that the place you scrub dirt and grim off your body holds bacteria. Due to the moisture from a hot shower, the bathroom is also a perfect place for germ growth.

Testing items may include: Washer, shower tub, drains, faucets, floor area around the toilet etc.


Dust gets deposited on the cooling fins, then becomes damp because air conditioners condense water out of the air. Damp dust is a pretty good medium for growing moulds and bacteria.

Testing items may include: Cooling fins, fan blower and filters etc.

Testing Equipment

We adopt Bacteria Swabs™ to perform basic bacteria identification. Moist swabs will be used to take samples from any surfaces. The samples will then be sent to Canada Laboratory which has been accredited to ISO 17025 international standard by the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) for identification.

Johnson Group Mould Identification (Air) Test

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