Johnson Group Cockroaches Control Service

Crack the Code: What’s in a Name? Unveiling the Scientific Identity of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most feared pests. When you discover cockroaches in your home, don’t just panic. It’s time to let professional pest control experts teach you how to effectively deal with cockroaches!

Johnson Group Cockroaches Control Service

What is Cockroach?

“gaat zaat”(曱甴)

“gaat zaat” (曱甴) is a term used by people from the south. The word “gaat zaat”(曱甴)- can be broken down into “立” and “早” and the word “早” is derived from “甲” . To avoid confusion with “甲,” the word “曱” was adopted as a loanword, and then the inverted form of this word, “甴,” was used as a match. The term “cockroach” is pronounced in Cantonese as “gaat6 zaat2” (曱甴).

“siu keung”(小強)

The name “siu keung” comes from the movie “Flirting Scholar” Stephen Chow affectionately called cockroaches his pet “siu keung” in the film. Later, in the TV series “War of the Genders” the male lead played by Dayo Wong Tze Wah also referred to his pet cockroach as “siu keung” and this term became well-known.


The true scientific name of a cockroach is Blattodea, belonging to the insect order Blattodea in the phylum Arthropoda. According to fossil research, cockroaches have existed on Earth as early as 250 million years ago. They have elongated oval bodies, flat shapes, small heads, and they prefer to feed on decaying food.

Johnson Group Cockroaches Control Service

Cockroach Species

Cockroaches are one of the most common and disgusting pests in households, carrying a large number of bacteria and serving as sources of asthma or other allergic reactions.

Common types of cockroaches in Hong Kong include Periplaneta Americana (American Cockroach), Periplaneta australiasiae (Australian Cockroach) and Blattella germanica (German Cockroach).

Cockroach Habits

Cockroaches are tropical and most like warm hiding places with access to water. Reduction of food and water sources and hiding places is essential. Remember, good sanitation is the best way to prevent invasion.

Cockroach Life Cycle

All cockroaches go through three stages of life: egg, nymph, and adult. While these insects usually live about 6 to 15 months, the cockroach lifespan varies based on species, moisture, and temperature in each of these phases. Understanding the cockroach life cycle can help you catch infestations before they grow into a serious problem.


The life cycle of a cockroach life begins with an egg. The pests lay cases of 10 to 50 eggs in warm, humid, and secluded spots of homes and businesses. You may find these small, leathery capsules:

Most females create multiple egg cases during their lifetimes, so infestations grow rapidly. For example, one German cockroach can produce over 300 eggs in a year.


Next in the cockroach life cycle is the nymphal stage. Nymphs hatch and undergo several molts, growing a little each time they shed their skins. As they emerge from their old shells, immature pests have soft, white bodies that harden and change color to brown, tan, or gray. They will reach full adult size and coloration with their last molt.


After their final molt, nymphs enter the adult stage and reproduce to start the cycle over again. Since the cockroach lifespan is relatively long and the pests can infest buildings by the thousands, control is crucial.

Enemies of Cockroaches

Recent studies indicate that current insecticides and cockroach sprays on the market may not be as effective against household pests. The use of pyrethroids not only fails to solve the problem at its root but long-term inhalation can also impact our health! If you find yourself with a pest problem, please seek professional pest control experts immediately!

Johnson Group Cockroaches Control Service

There is no better defense against cockroaches than a tailor-made treatment plan from Johnson Group. Successful cockroach control requires many special skills, including a working knowledge of building construction.

An understanding of cockroach biology and identification can help a homeowner detect problems and understand methods of control. Johnson Group Pest Management Professionals will prepare a written treatment program after the inspection.

Benefits of Using Our Service

Johnson Group Cockroach Control Service

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