Greetings from The New-look GreenSTORE!
From 18:00 3/5, the old GreenSTORE platform will be suspended, and the new upgrade platform greenstore.hk will be here on 5/5
*For returning customers, your personal information and order history has been automatically deleted. Please register here for a new GreenSTORE account, thank you.*
Apart from providing you an easier and more user-friendly experience, we are pleased to introduce you to the all-new GreenSTORE Rewards scheme! Shop more, earn more! Find the details on the new-look GreenSTORE now, or click here.
Use promo code GREEN1ST for your first time shopping at GreenSTORE to enjoy a 5% discount.*

A new-look GreenSTORE brings you an all-new shopping experience! GreenSTORE will continue innovating, bringing you the best pest control, pets-related, personal care, household and cleaning/disinfecting products. We are working hard to become your most-trusted green life experts.