Johnson Group Green Cleaning & Solutions for Allergy

The test aims to find out whether there are airborne mould spores in the air and identify the mould level by collecting air samples at indoor environment where mould growth is suspected. Taking samples from surfaces (e.g. wall, air-conditioner, for identifying which kind of mould exactly is growing in the enviroment After the service, you will receive a test report and our recommendations (related services and products) based on the results. 在懷疑有霉菌滋長的地方採空氣樣本,找出空中飄浮的黴菌孢子以及霉菌水平,並於表面(例如牆壁、冷氣、傢俱)採樣,找出入侵霉菌的種類。 測試後我們會為客戶提供改善空氣質素及除霉防霉建議。