PiPPER Standard’s eco-friendly and hypoallergenic–tested Natural Floor Cleaner contains no toxins and harmful chemicals. The cleaner is hypoallergenic certified and safe for babies. The rinse-free formula works particularly well on hardwood, tile, marble, ceramic, laminate, and other sealed floors. It is efficient and effective for cleaning out spills, stains and dirt, leaving your floor shiny not slimy.
PiPPER Standard 以天然方式清潔您的地板,且無化學殘留。我們的無毒、免沖洗配方適用於所有密封型地板如實木、瓷磚、層壓板等。有效地清除污漬和污垢,使地板發亮且不粘膩。
Johnson Group PiPPER Standard Floor Cleaner LavenderWing So2022-10-21T16:16:26+08:00