Johnson Group SafePRO Electronic Rodent Trap

SafePRO® Electronic Rodent Trap is equipped with thermal sensor, when rodents pass through the device, the sensor will be triggered and the cover will close down, trapping the rodent in the cage. By using SafePRO® Electronic Rodent Trap, rodents can be disposed immediately and you can avoid dealing with the foul odor of rotting carcasses inside the walls or areas that are out of reach. SafePRO® is suitable for supermarkets, food processing factories, pharmaceutical plants, hotels, restaurants, warehouses, farms, resorts and homes.
SafePRO® 電動捕鼠器內設有紅外線感應器,當老鼠從捕鼠器前面以及牆之間經過時,感應器感應到老鼠的體溫,網罩便會自動迅速罩下,將老鼠捕獲困在籠內。以往用藥物滅鼠,死鼠通常不易被察覺並會發出臭味,這些臭味會令其他老鼠不易上當;SafePRO® 電動捕鼠器則能避免這個情況,加上不用投放誘餌,減低因為老鼠的抗食性而影響捕捉效果。適用於超級市場、食品加工廠、製藥廠、酒店、食肆、倉庫、農莊、度假村及家庭。