Johnson Group Save Local Bees Chu Fun E interview

多謝叱咤903 今個星期邀請我哋上《知薰E》「專家話」 訪問。由主持人朱薰同我哋探討點解滅蟲公司不滅蟲,反而拯救本地蜜蜂嘅原因,我哋亦分享咗香港保育蜜蜂深刻難忘嘅點滴,希望令您明白更多保育本地蜜蜂嘅原因啦!
[Expert Talk on Kaoru E] Save Local Bees Project
Thanks CR2 for inviting us to the “Expert Talk” interview on “Knowing is Fun” this week. The host, Chu Fun, explored with us the reasons why pest control companies do not exterminate the bees but save the local bees.