The site is a mess 😵 It’s not easy to save bees there. But when there are bees, there is Save Local Bees 💪! When we see a bee colony going in and out of a dangerous place, of course we won’t just sit back and watch! Uncle Kwong himself went into the dusty and debris-strewn site and used his skilled hands and equipment to save the bees.
地盤一片爛地😵,要去拯救並唔容易,但有蜜蜂,就有我地Save Local Bees💪!見到蜂群出入危險地方,我地當然唔會坐視不理!廣叔親自走入塵土飛揚🌪,滿布碎石嘅地盤,用佢純熟嘅雙手同器具將蜂群救走。