Green Academy™


莊臣集團綠色學院™ 包含了兩個計劃,分別是綠色害蟲管理教育計劃及綠色清潔教育計劃。我們可以根據您的需要,定制不同的活動,例如座談會、遊戲和實地學習,好讓參與者更了解我們周圍的害蟲物種或微生物,牠們的生命週期、習慣和預防牠們的方法。

Johnson Group Green Academy™ consists of two programs called Green Pest Management Education Program and Green Cleaning Education Program. We can tailor-make different activities to suit your needs. For example, talks, games and field studies to let participants to know more about the pest species or microorganisms around us, their life cycles, habits and how to prevent them.