
Johnson Group started its business in Hong Kong back in 1947, known for using physical approaches and low-toxicity pesticide for our pest control services. From the experience, we could see that the living space for honey bees in Hong Kong has been severely threatened. The decline in beekeeping businesses, and general misconception on honey bees from the public are discouraging. Therefore, Johnson Group launched the Save Local Bees conservation program from 2018, trying to lead by example, saving the bees instead of exterminating.

莊臣集團專業滅蟲服務從1947年起扎根香港,以物理、低毒性方式防治害蟲聞名。從服務經驗中我們觀察到,本地蜜蜂生存空間堪虞,近年香港養蜂業息微,社會亦欠缺正確對待蜜蜂的觀念,因此莊臣集團2018年開始「Save Local Bees 拯救本地蜂」保育計劃,身體力行以「救蜂」代替「滅蜂」。